Madness? Man jumps 115 meters tall with parachute hooked to his skin

Have you heard of body suspension? If you are thinking that you are a "crazy person who hooks things up, " know that your concept is wrong. The act of suspending the body by means of piercing hooks is a delicate process done by people with extensive experience in the area - and the suspension itself can also be seen as a spiritual or ritualistic act.

Who took advantage of the technique to perform a 115 meter jump was Josh Miramant, from San Francisco, USA. With one team, they went to Ton Sai in Thailand to perform a "body suspension jump."

As you can see in the video, the hook is attached to the skin of Miramant's back. That way he doesn't have to "tie" or wear a parachute to perform the jump.

Is that you? Would you like to do a body-jump? Comment on TecMundo Forum

Via Baixaki Games.