Survey: Most Motivating Employee Is No Salary Or Benefits

Money does not bring happiness. At least, not necessarily at work. A survey of more than 400, 000 workers in the US points out that career plans and fair management of promotions are the factors that motivate people to work hard. Having a chance to advance your career makes people twice as willing to give themselves at work and plan for a long-term future in their companies.

Have more! A system that really rewards the effort is responsible for making employees believe (up to five times more) in the actions of their leaders . The survey was released by Harvard Business Review this week. The survey was conducted throughout 2017 and was attended by employees of Fortune's Top 100 Best Places to Work.

Recognition pays off

According to data from HBR, the payoff for this kind of leadership is impressive: in these companies, stock returns are nearly three times the market average, turnover is halved when compared to competitors, and the metrics of innovation, productivity and growth consistently outperform rivals.

Among the top 100, 75% of employees believe promotions are given to the deserving. This feedback may seem high, but it is the third lowest of the 58 items evaluated. That is, even in this environment, promotions are a very subjective component.

This is because this recognition is both relationship- driven and an important indicator of how well leaders' actions align with the company's stated values . A solid-process promotion can help discover potential in employees and motivate staff.

Here's the tip: What leaders and companies say matters a lot. But for employees, what they do has even greater impact .

Survey: Most Motivating Employee Is No Salary Or Benefits Via The Brief

Survey: factor that motivates employees most is neither salary nor benefits via TecMundo