11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

You've probably joked about “identifying” different shapes in clouds, haven't you? Sometimes you could see the outline of a dog or an angel with a half-broken wing - all it took was patience and a lot of imagination.

But what we see is not always something in our head. We have separated 11 fascinating types of formations that have been studied by meteorologists for centuries:

1. Lenticular

These are lens-shaped clouds that always appear at high altitudes and in alignment perpendicular to the wind direction. You can usually find this type of formation on a mountain range when the air is stable and humid. Believe me, these clouds have long been mistaken for unidentified flying objects.

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

2. Asperatus

The Asperatus clouds had another name: “Jacques Cousteau”, named after the French diver and ecologist. The reason is simple: they are very reminiscent of the rough sea when viewed from below.

Although it sounds like a storm signal, this formation tends to quickly break down, according to Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society.

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

3. Noctilucent

With a name meaning “shining night” in Latin, Noctilucent clouds are formed in the upper atmosphere and are made of ice crystals. They usually appear in summer, at latitudes between 50 ° and 70 ° north and south of the equator.

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

4. Fallstreak : Hole in the Clouds

This rare phenomenon happens when the water temperature in the clouds is below freezing, but the nucleation of the ice particles has not yet occurred. Then, when a portion of water begins to change physical state, it ends up causing the surrounding steam to freeze and exit, leaving a large hole in place.

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

5. Mammatus

These different clouds are a sign of storm and other extreme weather events. They usually form in descending air, unlike most other clouds, and their name derives from the term “mamma, ” associated with the shape of breasts or breasts.

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

6. Waves in the clouds

Look at these clouds: it seems that the sea has moved and is causing these waves in the sky. This effect is known as “Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability” and occurs when air layers move in the same direction but at different speeds.

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

7. Iridescent

Another rare and extremely beautiful phenomenon is that of iridescent clouds, which look more like pieces of rainbows floating around. They are formed by small water droplets that, when illuminated, diffuse light.

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

8. Tubular

These “tunnels” in the sky form when a storm humidifies the hot air and makes it near the cold front.

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

9. Shelf

As its name implies, these clouds resemble shelves and are long, low and dense. Usually precede a storm.

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

10. Pyrocumulation

Also called a "cloud of fire, " the pyrocumulation is a false cloud caused by volcanic activity or fire. Thus it arises through the intense heating of air from the surface.

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11. Polar Stratospheric

The polar stratospheric cloud is formed in the stratosphere at altitudes between 15, 000 and 25, 000 meters. They are found near the polar zones and during winter.

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

11 very crazy cloud shapes that inhabit the heavens

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