25 Facts About Pregnancy

1 - In Brazil, almost half of pregnancies are unplanned;

2 - It is estimated that 10% of pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion;

3 - The longest human pregnancy ever recorded was 375 days, which is 12.5 months;

4 - Every 90 seconds a woman dies in labor;

5 - If during pregnancy the mother has a problem in her organs, the baby sends stem cells from inside the uterus to resolve the issue;

6 - In the US, over 100, 000 babies are born addicted to cocaine because their mothers used the drug during pregnancy;

7 - Male seahorses become pregnant;

8 - Pregnant women who do not have weight problems need to consume only 300 extra calories per day;

9 - Research has shown that women who snore during pregnancy tend to have smaller babies;

10 - About 30% of pregnant women want to eat strange things, such as dirt and brick;

11 - MTV's “Pregnant at 16” TV show helped prevent, according to a 2010 survey, 20, 000 teenage pregnancies;

One in 200 young Americans says she became pregnant even though she was a virgin;

13 - In England, pregnant women are allowed to pee anywhere, including a policeman's helmet;

14 - At the 20th week of pregnancy, the woman has 50% more blood in her body than she had before she became pregnant;

15 - In 31 US states, rapists may seek custody of their child if the rape has resulted in pregnancy.

16 - It is possible for a woman to become pregnant even when she is pregnant;

Leaving the laptop on your lap, especially when the computer is hot, is something related to male infertility;

18 - What can decrease male fertility is the consumption of yogurt;

19 - That warning of birth control pills that they are 99% effective means that one in 100 women who take the pill will become pregnant over the course of a year;

20 - Smaller women have shorter pregnancies;

21 - Worldwide, 25% of pregnancies end in abortions, half of which are performed illegally;

22 - An Austrian doctor used his own sperm to impregnate 600 patients between 1943 and 1962;

23 - The vaginal muscles may take up to six months to return to normal shape and size after natural labor;

24 - Low levels of vitamin D during pregnancy have been related to autism;

25 - A woman's brain shrinks a little during pregnancy.


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