Confirmed! American girl's third breast is really fake

Earlier this week, news that a woman had placed a third breast controversy across the Internet and social networks. In addition to being bizarre, many people have come to doubt that the girl had had surgery for this purpose.

So much so that in the article posted here in Mega Curious there is an update saying that many facts were not matching. For example, there were no photos of Jasmine before the procedure; all her accounts (on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) were created in August this year; The domain of the model's website belongs to a person named Alisha Hesller, who is a girl with only two breasts and physically very similar to Jasmine.

Behold, all of the above facts led to a discovery reported by the New York Daily News. Not only is Jasmine Alisha herself, she was arrested in 2013 for using a fake ID in a Florida bar.


Jasmine with her two and only breasts

But what led to the settlement of the case was the fact that earlier this September, Jasmine reported stealing her luggage at Tampa International Airport in Florida. In one bag she carried three breast implants, which were returned to her when police arrested the suspects.

The record of this occurrence can be confirmed by a property receipt showing Jasmine's luggage belongings that day (when she used her real name Alisha Hesller).

In addition, plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Schulman gave his opinion on Jasmine / Alisha to the NY Daily News: "There are procedures to create a breast - we do it all the time after breast cancer operations. The problem is, when I I saw her pictures, that's not the kind of result of that kind of procedure. "

According to the doctor, this type of surgery takes six months to a year to complete and includes implanting an expanded tissue prior to creating enough skin to support the prosthesis. It is somewhat time consuming and painful. In addition, the expert said it would be impossible to create and maintain the separation between the three rounded structures as shown.

But despite all this evidence, Jasmine goes on to say that it's all true and that she has a video of the surgery recordings that will be aired soon.