They want to drink the “broth” found in the Black Sarcophagus of Alexandria!

You know the Black Sarcophagus of Alexandria, right? If you have missed this fascinating story, it consists of a 30-tonne coffin made entirely of granite that was discovered intact during excavations in Alexandria, Egypt, after being buried and sealed for about 2, 000 years.

Mystery (semi) revealed

The artifact generated a lot of talk because, between when it was found and until it was finally opened - last Thursday, the 19th -, the people who enjoy a good “sinister” had plenty of time to imagine all sorts of macabre situations. scary involving the opening of the shroud.

Sarcophagus of Alexandria

(Business Insider / Mohamed Abd El Ghany / Reuters)

But - even at the risk of a creepy mummy leaping inside or the opening of the coffin unleashing a bloody curse on the face of the Earth - the fact is that the sarcophagus was opened, and the following photo shows what archaeologists found inside:

Sarcophagus of Alexandria

(Business Insider / Mohamed Abd El Ghany / Reuters)

Much information about the contents of the sarcophagus has not yet been released, as the researchers have not even had time to analyze what they found inside. What we do know, however, is that the coffin contained three skeletons, one of which appears to have died from an arrow wound, and the trio was in a dark broth.

Sarcophagus of Alexandria

(Business Insider / Mohamed Abd El Ghany / Reuters)

And since the artifact was dated to the Ptolomaic Era - a dynasty that reigned in Egypt from 305 to 30 BC - which was followed by wars and bloody battles, the researchers hypothesized that the sarcophagus's occupants were soldiers of the time. die during some conflict. But...

Stop humanity!

Do you believe that there is an online petition organized by a group of crazy people who expressed the desire to drink the “broth” found inside the sarcophagus? Yes, dear reader ... It's crazy for everything in this world! According to Sara G. Miller of Live Science, the appeal, posted on, is addressed to the "King of the Skeletons" and consists of a request for permission to consume the "reddish juice" of the "cursed black sarcophagus". "

Archaeological discovery

(Business Insider / Mohamed Abd El Ghany / Reuters)

The idea, according to the group, is to drink the broth in the form of a kind of carbonated energy so that those who consume the liquid "can assume its powers and finally die." And what does this pestilential coffin juice consist of, and what dangers could it offer if it were ingested?

Sarcophagus of Alexandria

(Business Insider / Mohamed Abd El Ghany / Reuters)

Although the sarcophagus has remained sealed for so many centuries, we must not forget that granite, despite being super tough, is a slightly porous material. Therefore, after two thousand years underground, water mixed with who knows what has been entering its interior. And inside the coffin were three corpses that went through the decomposition process - which means that they contributed a huge amount of rotting organic matter and endless microorganisms to 'enrich' the broth.

Sarcophagus of Alexandria

(Business Insider / Mohamed Abd El Ghany / Reuters)

Before performing detailed analysis of the liquid, it is impossible to say that bacteria, viruses, fungi and other organisms may be contained in the material, but you don't have to be a scientist - or genius - to make sure that a sip of this business can be incredibly dangerous. Nothing, however, prevents the broth from being sterilized, but the question is why, my people? Whatever the motivation of who wants to take this thing, at the time of publication of this article, the petition already had close to 17, 700 signatures.


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