To help needy children, man creates shoes that grow in size

Kenton Lee is a person you've probably never heard of, but it's getting news all over the world thanks to a seemingly simple invention that can change the lives of millions of people living in extreme poverty and therefore not They can buy something “trite” like a pair of shoes.

To solve the problem, Lee invented a sandal called Growing Shoe. With the self-explanatory name, the shoe is adjustable so that it can be worn by the same person for years, even with the growth of the feet.

Sandals can grow up to five numbers and, according to the inventor, last at least five years. That is: children can wear them from childhood to adolescence without the shoe becoming small. The justification for the product is precisely this: “There are over 300 million children without shoes. And countless more with shoes that don't fit. ”

It may seem, especially to those who have always had something to wear, that running out of shoes is a fairly simple problem, but bare feet are also the gateway to some parasites, quite common in poor regions - which also lack adequate sanitation.

Although many of these children receive shoe donations as they grow older, these shoes become small and can no longer be worn. In a simple and creative way, Lee has masterfully solved this problem. Those interested can buy the sandals for themselves and buy sandals that are referred to these needy children. So, what did you think of this idea?