Check out 13 psychological tricks that can help in various situations.

1 - If you work with customer service, always have a mirror nearby! People are less likely to have shits when they can see images of themselves.

2 - If someone answers your question only partially, do not insist. Take a break and wait. By doing so, the subject is more likely to complete the answer without having to press you much more.

3 - When you meet someone new, try to find out what color the person's eyes are while you smile at them. This is a great option to make sure you really make eye contact with your new friend.

4 - Want to make someone you just feel really special? Remember and repeat this person's name as you talk.

When you have some especially stressful task to do, chew gum. For some reason, constant chewing helps the mind calm down.

6 - In general, people's favorite subject is themselves. So if you run out of subject during a conversation to avoid those uncomfortable silences, start asking your caller questions.

7 - Do you know when you are among friends and everyone starts gossiping about a person not at the wheel at that time? It may seem difficult not to fall into the trap of talking behind your back, but over time everyone will realize that you don't participate in that kind of thing and trust you more.

8. When you are learning something new, a good way to consolidate the new information is to teach it and try to teach it to someone else.

9 - Always try to maintain good posture and straight spine. This way, in addition to giving the impression of security to others, you will feel more confident yourself.

10 - If you want someone to do something for you instead of asking directly, make it look like you are offering to do the job.

11 - Try to turn your first dates into exciting events. It's worth taking the person to ride a roller coaster, watch a race and even parachute! Your companion's heart will race, adrenaline will flow and, indirectly, he can associate your company with this whirlwind of excitement and excitement.

12 - When you are playing a sports game and someone on the opposing team is playing especially well, ask them about the technique they use. This will make the subject rationalize about what he is doing and probably get lost in the game.

13 - If you work with people or deal with the public directly, and find yourself dealing with someone who is rude, don't be fooled by being nervous and losing control of the situation. No matter what the individual says to you: keep calm and be supergent.

That way, the guy is more likely to let his guard down and treat you more politely. And if that doesn't happen and he continues with the rudeness, don't worry! For those who are following the situation, besides the guy seems completely crazy, he will be playing ridiculous in front of others.