Depression may be related to genetic characteristics, you know?

Like many other health problems, depression really seems to be related to genetic factors. Recent research has revealed more than a dozen new genes linked to it, which is a great discovery, after all depression is still a very mysterious condition.

Finding that there are more than 12 genes related to depression is an important step in trying to reveal the physiological basis of depression, which also facilitates the production of more efficient drugs for treatment, as research author Ashley Winslow explained in a statement. statement published in the Daily Mail.

Genetic mappings are usually performed to locate disease-causing genes, but depression has never been so thoroughly investigated in genetic terms. Last year, research had revealed two regions in human DNA that apparently harbored genes that indicate risk of depression in a group of Chinese - the results were not the same when Europeans were tested, however.

Big step

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For Dr. Douglas Levinson of Stanford University, this type of study shows us that depression is a treatable disease. According to him, this latest finding is the best in terms of genetic tests to detect the disease. In total, 15 areas of the human genome have been discovered that are capable of harboring genetic variations that increase a person's risk of depression.

Studying these genes closely will allow scientists in the future not only to develop new methods of treatment, but also to discover what goes wrong in current treatments.

It's a disease, yes!

Source: Giphy

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that 350 million people worldwide have depression. Although information and news about the disease is increasingly widespread, there is much prejudice when it comes to mental health, which avoids diagnoses, prevents treatment and disrupts, and much, the lives of those with depression.

Symptoms include constant lack of motivation and courage; excess or lack of sleep and appetite; loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities; irritation; lack of attention; difficulty in socialization; sudden gain or loss of weight; Excessive negative thoughts. If you feel these symptoms describe your life, be sure to seek medical and therapeutic help. Fortunately, there is treatment for depression and with it, it is possible to have a decent and healthy life.

Now if you know someone with depression, try to understand that this person does not have the disease as a result of lack of willpower - telling them to get excited, therefore, is no use. If the idea is to help, offer to listen, advise her to seek medical help; ask if there is anything you could do; do not judge or diminish the situation. Always remember that depression is a disease that does exist, and we now know that it even relates to each person's genetic background.