10 Women Convicted of Witchcraft for Ridiculous Reasons

By 1590 the Witch Hunt spread throughout the United Kingdom, and had already dominated the rest of Europe. King James VI was one of the most famous witch hunters and wrote Daemonologie, a book on demon science, which defined witchcraft as the highest "betrayal of God, " which justified any torture
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13 Impacting Images and Facts to Remember the Tragedy of September 11

September 11, 2001. Eighteen years ago one of the greatest tragedies in the United States was happening: the attack on the Twin Towers. In all, about 3, 000 people died when 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four planes and launched two of them on the south and north towers of the World Trade Center and one on the Pentagon
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4 reasons to know Egypt

Filled with stories and scenery worthy of its best Instagram photos, Egypt is home to one of the most famous deserts in the world, the Sahara, and has played host to films like The Mummy and Asterix & Obelix . Filled with breathtaking scenery, this country certainly needs to get into its next travel itinerary and we will explain why
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Copywriting teacher creates valuable schema for Enem and viralizing content

Tarsila Baylão is a teacher who, like others, decided to use social networks to help her students. A few days into the Enem exam, she made a pretty simple scheme to give some writing tips that, as many of our readers may know, is a student's nightmare. Tarsila's material after extensive research on YouTube classes and much teaching material was posted in a series of six photos, and since its release, the content has been frantically shared.
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Declaration of Human and Citizen's Rights turns 230

Maintained as a text reference for sealing the rights of individuals, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, which was inspired by the American announcement of 1776 and the philosophical precepts of the seventeenth century, completes 230 years. The text marks, together with the decrees of 4 and 11 August, the suspension of feudal rights and elaborates a series of new projects
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5 of the most absurd items ever recovered from the ocean floor

As you know, the bottom of the sea holds many mysteries, and it is not uncommon to see news of shipwrecks, rescued treasures and even little-known and even totally unseen animals that have been found underwater. Here at Mega Curioso we have published several articles on this topic, and below you can check out five of the most absurd items that have been recovered from the ocean floor: 1 - Pirate Ship Image Source: Reproduction / Zach Frailey You may have heard of the famous Blackbeard pirate, haven't you
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Some facts you probably didn't know about 9/11

In 2001, whatever you were doing, your attention was somehow turned to the news that startled the whole world: The United States had been the target of a huge and catastrophic terrorist attack involving 19 men. . The Twin Towers went down and nearly 3, 000 people died. Of the dead, 343 were New York firefighters, 23 were police officers, and 37 were New York Harbor officers
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Dad gets help with interesting facts to tell daughter before bed

Every parent knows how their children's curiosity seems to be endless, especially at bedtime, the famous "Dad, tell me a story?" Traditional stories do not always appeal to children, who are more passionate about discovering interesting things. So, desperate for new interesting facts that could entertain his daughter, a father asked for help and asked people to share curious and interesting information with him
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17 Signs That You Would Be Considered A Witch In The 17th Century

Thanks to Harry Potter, the image of 21st century witches and wizards is much calmer and softer. But don't think it was always like this. If being a wizard nowadays is synonymous with studying at a cool school somewhere in remote London, drinking butterbeer in Hogsmeade, and attending Quidditch matches, things were much darker in the seventeenth century
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21 amazing women who changed the world for the better

For so long, so long, being a woman was synonymous with not having rights. They could not study, work, vote, or be interested in anything but childcare and layette. Just to give you an idea, in the Middle Ages, many men removed their left testicles, certain that only the right produced sperm capable of producing a male child
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Learn 7 Amazing Deck Trivia

From the junk wheels with friends to the fortune teller's tables to the solitaire game that saved many lives from boredom before the internet, the deck is there, making history, bringing people together, creating rivalries and friendships. Here are some curiosities about playing cards: 1 - Not every card game is a deck of cards
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Ranavalona, ​​the cruelest queen in history compared to Caligula

Ramavo was born in 1788 in a humble family of Madagascar. His father discovered a plot that would kill the future king of the country, Andrianampoinimerina, and ended this scheme. The king, as a way of thanks, decided to adopt the girl and started to call her Ranavalona. The future king even made her marry her son, Radama
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9 cultures that practiced human sacrifice

1. The Chinese The Chinese practiced human sacrifices for thousands of years, and turn and stir archaeological teams are faced with ancient cemeteries and tombs containing victims of these rituals. According to the researchers, the practice appears to have been abandoned and became quite rare after China's unification in 221 BC, so much so that the first Chinese emperor, Qin Shi Huang, chose to be buried with an army of thousands of statues
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41 shocking facts about China

China is a millennial country full of mysteries. Home to Shaolin Temple, bizarre supermarkets, 100-year-old video game players, and grotesque counterfeits, the site still hides a number of secrets you probably don't know. Below you discover 41 peculiarities that only China has. 1. All panda bears in the world are "borrowed" from China
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Rosetta Stone: the key that unlocked the secrets of Egyptian civilization

Today, although there are still many mysteries to be unraveled about ancient Egypt, we know many things about this fascinating civilization, such as the dynasties and pharaohs that reigned over the millennia, what was the everyday life of Egyptian society and how. what were the various customs of this culture
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Did you know that the ancient Egyptians did not call their nation Egypt?

Although there are so many archaeological and historical records about the land of the pharaohs that allow us to know how this civilization lived, one thing that not every mute knows is that in ancient times locals did not refer to it as "Egypt." The name currently used to designate the African country is derived from the Greek Aygiptos - meaning "beyond the Aegean"
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6 gifts for humanity left by the Vikings

1. Advances in shipbuilding and navigation One of the most important innovations of the Vikings was their way of crossing the seas. The idea of ​​long shallow-hulled wooden boats and several rows of oars made the building lighter, faster, and more flexible. In addition, they had simple navigational tools such as solar compasses that allowed them to navigate great distances - so much so that they were on four continents at the same time, being considered the first global civilization in history. Vi
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Next Stop: Egypt - Learn more about the Ancient World postcard

Time to pack and embark on a trip a little different from what you're used to. Today's destination is Egypt, and the difference is that those who go to Egypt also end up on a historical expedition - or do you think it is not a real time travel to be able to stand before the pyramids of Giza or the Great Sphinx
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Halloween: The 51 Best Children's Costumes You've Ever Seen

Who has never had a costume party to go to, either on Halloween or a colleague's birthday? No matter the date, your parents probably didn't know how to handle the situation right. What was left to you were few options: a superhero mask made of fragile plastic that broke with any sudden movement; black streaks on your face and a cotton tiara that made you a rabbit or a kitten; or that Indian or Hawaiian costume that was already in the family because it went from cousin to cousin
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Do you know the origin of color names?

Have you ever imagined yourself living in a world without colors? Precisely because they are present in all elements of our daily lives, colors have gained importance over time. But there has not always been such a wide range of shades as we know today. Or at least they had not yet been baptized. It's hard to imagine, but long, long ago, languages ​​didn't even have names for all colors, some of which ended up being represented by the same word. Ti
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