Deep-sea monster looks like an alien and may be related to dinos

Science is very evolved, but even so, the world keeps surprising us. Some people even say that we know more about space than about our own planet. In deep regions of the seas dwell beings that might well have been imagined by science fiction writers.

In 2007, a remotely operated vehicle captured the above images of an alien-looking monster. In fact, he lives 2, 500 meters deep in the Alaminos Canyon in the Gulf of Mexico. Did you find this animal scary? It is “just” a Magnapinna - a giant squid with several over- lengthed tentacles.

To date, researchers have not yet captured any live specimens, so little is known about this animal. Scientists believe they are "related" to the Belemnites - carnivorous creatures that disappeared from Earth along with the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period. If this theory is proven, these animals could be an excellent example of a living fossil.

Where do they come from? What do you eat? How do they breed? These questions will not be answered anytime soon by "Globo Reporter" - nor by Mega Curious. And it is not because we do not want to: the fact is that there is not much information about these squids. The tentacles apparently serve to capture their prey, but there is no consensus on this. Sinister!

Bizarre Squid Has Gigantic Tentacles
