What is the most important factor for a child to become a happy adult?

Have a good social life and be happy (Image source: Reproduction / Thinkstock)
We often find a lot of research that addresses the reasons why children become troubled adults, pointing out the negative points that can hinder "healthy development." A study in New Zealand, however, wanted to do differently: What are the factors that lead a person to grow and achieve well-being?

To reach the answer, the research - published in the Journal of Happiness Studies - followed 1, 000 people from birth to adulthood. Thus, they obtained 32 years of data, which addressed criteria such as family relationship, friendships, self-assessment, academic development, among other psychological elements.

The result showed that there are two important areas parents should worry about if they want their children to become happy adults: participation in organized groups and quality in social ties. Thus, the most influential factor in reaching adulthood with well-being would be social connectivity - especially during adolescence, when parents should also have a good relationship with their children.

Source: Wired