Future tattoo may indicate health problems

For decades, tattoos carried social stigmata and were very marginalized. Now that has changed a lot, with more and more people sticking to permanent body paintings. In the future, they may still be of great use: indicating changes in the body that may mean some health problem.

The proposal is from a team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They are developing biosensor inks that could change color if your body changes. For example, changes in blood pH could change the tattoo from purple to pink; glucose levels would change colors from blue to brown.

Biosensors could detect changes in sodium, glucose and pH.

This would be a true revolution in the art of tattooing, which would also serve health. Many diseases have better treatments if diagnosed as early as possible, and these super-intelligent inks could help in this scenario. Diabetic patients, for example, would instantly know of any changes in glucose without the need for a self-examination.


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