Here's how to get rid of a spider in a master way

If you're one of those people who can't see a spider, even if it's one of the smallest species, and already has three different types of attacks, be prepared to contemplate how calmly YouTube user Durian Riders removes one these sinister creatures off your shoulders. The video was called "How Real Men Deal With Massive Spiders in Australia", which can literally be translated as "How Real Men Deal With Big Spiders In Australia
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Man stumbles on wasp victim with second most painful sting in the world

Presenter Coyote Peterson is known for putting himself in situations that most people do everything to avoid. It is intended as a guinea pig in the scariest ways possible so that you can give feedback on each of these experiences. Alligators, snakes, scorpions and bees are some of the animals that were already part of their experiments, and the most recent one, released just one day ago and with almost 3 million views, was basically the victim of the well-known hawk tarantula wasp
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Vegetarian Diet Decreases Sperm Count, Study Says

Researchers at Loma Linda University (California, USA) say men on a vegetarian diet produce less sperm compared to meat eaters. The information is from Fertility and Sterility. According to scientists at the US Medical School, vegetarians have about 50 million sperm counts per millimeter; omnivorous people have up to 70 million sperm in the same analysis
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Kitten between life and death rescued by firefighter [video]

Cory Kalanick is a California-based firefighter who showed the world an exciting rescue. Always wearing a camera strapped to his helmet, the fireman told channel CBS47 that his lens usually records tragic moments in people's lives, but this time was different. Entering a burning house to search for survivors, Cory Kalanick came across a unconscious kitten lying on the floor
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Young man spends more than 2 years on a tree to prevent his felling

This is another example of those strong people who go through totally transformative experiences and inspire us all. An activist, the then-young Julia Butterfly Hill was known worldwide for spending 738 days of her life on a millennial tree to prevent it from being felled. The tree in question was a 60-meter-high redwood tree that stood next to other equally old trees in a grove in the city of Stafford, California, a region that had been suffering from constant deforestation during the 1990s
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What would happen to the planet if no one ate meat anymore?

A few days ago we spoke here at Mega Curioso about the vegan lifestyle and in the same text we explained the differences between vegan, lactovegetarian, strict vegetarian and ovolactovegetarian habits. Slate recently published a text that addresses the likely environmental and economic impacts we would perceive in a world where no one else ate meat
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How does the milk we eat everyday reach our table?

Reader Brendo Lima wrote to the Mega newsroom a few days ago suggesting that we write a text about milk that many people consume daily. After Brendo's contact, we realized that, in fact, we are so used to milk cartons, cheese packages and yogurt cups on supermarket shelves that we don't even question the process behind dairy consumption
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Quiet: how was the experience of spending a week under vow of silence

Wednesday, October 14th. "This is going to be very boring" was the first thing my girlfriend said upon arriving home and trying to establish a normal conversation. Although I had told her before the holiday that I would be silent, on the fateful day I had said absolutely nothing - for obvious reasons
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These photos of a woman and her 5 poisonous spiders will terrify you

It's not hard to find people who post photos next to their favorite animals, but a woman named Lisa Van Kula Donovan has been taking that kind of photo a bit more boldly, so to speak. Today Lisa lives in Australia, a country also known for its variety of spider species. What for many is a sign of panic, for Lisa is synonymous with joy - yes: spiders are this girl's favorite pets
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Muuu: Is it true that cows moo with different accents?

What would a moo from a Russian cow look like? And one from the Middle East? Could they have different accents in their mu? The idea may sound fun and absurd too, but could it be true? Well, although the assumptions have been made by many people, the answer is also uncertain: maybe or even no one knows, but most likely not
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Do we really only use 10% of our brain capacity?

The idea that we only use 10% of our brain capacity is more than rooted, but is that really true? No, it's not. An audiobook called “Welcome to Your Brain, ” something like “Welcome to Your Brain, ” produced by Princeton University neuroscientist Sam Wang, holds the idea that the self-help industry may be responsible for the spread of this concept. In the
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Do you think only we humans run the world?

In the movie “Planet of the Apes: The Confrontation”, which opens today (24.07) in Brazilian theaters, humans and monkeys vie for dominance of the earth after an epidemic decimates much of humanity. As Mega Curioso published in this other article, some experts explained what would be plausible or not in the real world. As
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Banana-infested bananas cause panic in England

According to The Sun, banana-infested bananas have caused panic in England. According to the publication, a London family found the arachnids in fruit bought from a local supermarket and, after finding out that it was the most poisonous species in the world - as reported in the Guinness Book - was advised to evacuate their residence
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Megacompiled 18 Amazing Facts

If you are in the UK, be warned: there, all white swans belong to Queen Elizabeth, and if you hurt one of these birds, the monarchy leader herself can sue you. If it makes you the least bit scared, at least we have a consolation: our pupils dilate and our vision improves when we are amazed. Continuing in the animal world, there's more: pigs tan, cows sweat from their noses, and anatidaphobia is the name for the excessive fear some people feel about being watched by a duck - it is
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9 Characteristics That Prove You Are A Leader

In the congress, in the school, in the family, at work, in the religious institutions, in the line of the ducklings that went for a walk and in every group of individuals who need to live in harmony there must be a leader: that person who represents a whole, who serves as a spokesperson, who takes the first step and teaches others to do the same
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10 Amazing Facts About Animal Intelligence

Animals are cool, but they're kind of dumb and only act on instinct, right? Wrong. Some species have a fair amount of intelligence and cognitive ability directed at specific things. Believe me, you might be surprised when you know your pet knows math better than you or has a finer taste in music
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Super IQ: 12-year-old girl 'jigsaw' intelligence test

A 12-year-old girl "zeroed" (yes, "zeroed" ...), as if it were a simple video game, one of the most important intellectual quotient tests in the world. The case is as impressive as that of the four-year-old genius boy or the super-clever girl Heidi Hankins, which we have already presented here at Mega Curious
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It's not assembly: 10 creatures you won't believe exist

Nature lives surprising us with its creations. As much for the beauty of animals and plants as for the weird shapes and bizarre appearances of some creatures. In this sense, we here at Mega Curioso can say that we are experts in publications, since we have several lists featuring strange and different animals, such as those you can access by clicking here, here and here
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DNA test indicates 'Loch Ness Monster' would be an eel

The first "appearance" of Loch Ness monsters took place in the sixth century, and since then many hypotheses, stories and attempts at logical explanations have been developed. Despite all the efforts of scientists and enthusiasts to identify the culprits, according to the Washington Post , a New Zealand scientist claims to have finally discovered the monster's identity by using evidence from environmental DNA
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Young discovers that mass growing on her abdomen was her twin

A 17-year-old girl in India decided to seek help after noticing something strange growing in her abdomen - “something” that for the past 5 years has been causing the girl some discomfort at eating and occasional pain. Then, after undergoing several tests, doctors found that much of his abdominal cavity was filled with a massive 25 x 23 x 19 cm mass of bones, cartilage, fat and teeth. Pa
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