How do insects adapt to survive winter?

Insects are cold-blooded creatures, which means they are especially susceptible to low temperatures. So, in order to survive this time of year, the animals developed a series of adaptation strategies that ensure the continuity of the species. Check out some of these alternatives according to the Today I Found Out website: Migration Insects that have migration as a characteristic of the species do not waste time when temperatures drop
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This headless frog is the most bizarre thing you'll see today!

Everyone knows that, at least for most living things, it's incompatible with life to lose one's mind - in the literal sense - right? It's not completely impossible, so much so that we at Mega Curioso have already talked about Mike, a chicken that, oddly enough, survived for no less than 18 months without his little head
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Can insects scream or be afraid?

We know that some insect bites are fatal and others, if not kill, can cause incredible pain. About the bites, Mega Curioso has already brought some materials, among them, the one that presents the most painful. But what about insects, do they feel some kind of fear or pain? Can they scream and warn their mates when we attack or kill them
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5 of the most devilish parasites in the world

Even if you have absolutely nothing against filthy bugs like larvae and the like, surely you shouldn't like the idea of ​​having your body overrun with parasites, right? For there are so many of these little monsters in the wild, and some of them, though small, are totally diabolical. They are shrewd and use the most mind-boggling strategies to stay alive, even if it means destroying anything in their path, sucking the lives of their hosts, or even devouring them from the inside without mercy. He
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Report: What Happens When You Get a Parasite Infection

Have you ever had a parasite infection? Most of these worms can cause serious problems and even death. Some of them you can see in the list of the five most diabolical parasites in the world or in the text about the 10 super-dangerous parasites that may be in your food. The ills these creatures can do are countless and the feeling of being contaminated by one of them is horrible
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7 amazing pictures of sleeping insects

It is still unclear how hundreds of animal species sleep, but all need periods of slow movement to regain energy. Insects, for example, seem to enter a state of numbness, becoming motionless and with little sensitivity to external stimuli. Seeking to capture this stage, photographer Miroslav Swietek goes to a forest at dawn and records amazing moments
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Meet the parasitic worm that turns crickets into suicidal zombies

If you enjoyed our zombie parasite publication, you will probably love to meet the “quirky” animal we will be presenting here, but if you are the type who has no nerves of steel and feel sick just thinking about things like that, you might want to read something lighter. Get ready, because the filth of the day is related to a very special type of worm. Be
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'Bionic cockroaches' can save the lives of people buried in disasters

Everyone already knows that cockroaches are hard bugs in the fall, so researchers at North Carolina State University are experimenting with these creatures for a very noble purpose. They are trying to control cockroaches with sound transmitters so that they will one day be used to find people trapped by any kind of disaster
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Seek, the app that is “Shazam Fauna & Flora” with augmented reality use

In 2016, Pokémon GO made history by showing that geolocation with augmented reality (RA) could have functional answers in a massive online game. Since then, thousands of companies have taken advantage of variations of this proposal, and one of them sounds quite interesting, especially for nature lovers: the Seek app, for the time being exclusive to iOS, proposes, in a playful way, the identification of fauna species and flora - a "Shazam for nature".
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What would happen to us if all insects ceased to exist?

If you, like most people, have ever wanted all insects to disappear from the face of the earth - especially on those warm nights when mosquitoes don't let you sleep - know that your life and that of other complex living things would be too much. worse without them! But, before, how about knowing a little more about these animals
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Do you know what those white spots that appear on nails are?

Do you know those little white marks that occasionally appear on our nails? Have you ever noticed any of them and got all worried that it might be ringworm or a sign of a mysterious health problem? These spots are super common and, for the most part , do not represent anything serious. However, on occasion they may indicate the presence of some more serious illness
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Find out how the tongue moves inside the mouth when we speak

Have you ever been curious to know what happens inside our mouths when we speak? If your answer is “yes” - and even if it is “no”! - you can get a sense of how language and other structures involved in speech move in the following video. Check out: According to Lori Dorn of Laughing Squid, the images were captured by a German researcher named Jens Frahm of the Max Planck Institute. This g
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3 little buttons on your body that can help cure insomnia

Acupressure is a Chinese medical technique that involves applying pressure to specific points on your body to relieve troublesome symptoms. It is similar to acupuncture, with the advantage that you can do it at home with your own hands and without much in-depth study of it. Just know the correct points for each case
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What if ... 8 fascinating hypothetical questions and their possible answers

What if there was another technologically advanced species on Earth? Humans reign absolute on our planet, but what if there was another intelligent species to challenge our supremacy, what would it be? According to the theorists on duty, it is more likely that we and they would become strangely and plunged into eternal conflict over the dominance of the earth
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Bionic prosthesis has faster response than human hand

Scientists at the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Switzerland, have announced the development of a bionic prosthesis that can translate commands sent by users' brains and respond faster than a human hand. The device combines elements of robotics with neuroengineering technologies and allows amputees to have much more control over the movements and functions of the prosthetic hand
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Controversial! There is a nerve whose sole function is to make the nipples harden

The human body is full of curious and fun facets, in a way. In terms of sexual pleasure, it can be said that it was very well designed - in the case of the clitoris, for example, the only function of the saying whose pleasure is women, unlike the penis, which houses the urinary canal and releases sperm
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The Most Bizarre Way To Show Body Functioning To Children

With a giant and somewhat disturbing model, the theater group Snuff Puppets teaches children about how the human body works. Divided into four acts, the play entitled “Everybody” shows from the birth of a human being to its basic activities such as excretion. All this is demonstrated by parts of the doll that come loose during the presentation and reach the audience. Se
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Meet the beauty of the peacock spider [video]

Disliking spiders is a relatively common thing, because some of these creatures are known for the strong poisons they transmit through a bite. There is even a phobia - fear or exaggerated aversion - when it comes to spider: arachnophobia, which has already become the main theme of the horror movie. Maybe your opinion of these little creatures changes a little after you get to know the peacock spider, which is simply beautiful and even friendly
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Spider rain scares Paraná residents

A curious fact has invaded social networks over the past week (02/02): the video of what is being called “spider rain” has made many people worried about finding hundreds of arachnids suspended in the air ahead. The phenomenon occurred in a rural property of Santo Antonio da Platina, in northern Paraná, and was caused by environmental imbalance in the region. Tho
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Fear of spiders? Check out some of the world's most bizarre

Black Widow (Image source: Reproduction / Wikipedia) Spiders are eight-legged animals that haunt many people's lives. Incidentally, arachnophobia - irrational fear of arachnids - is probably the most common type of animal phobia in the world. However, these pets are also extraordinary. Spiders occupy the seventh place in number of species in the animal world and, except for Antarctica, they have been able to settle on every continent of the earth
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